Crypto Lab's great homomorphic encryption library
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CHEaaN::BootstrapperA class consisting of bootstrap and its related functions
 CHEaaN::CiphertextA class of ciphertexts each of which contains a vector of polynomials of length > 1
 CHEaaN::CollectiveKeyGenConfigConfiguration for collective key generation on which key to generate
 CHEaaN::CollectiveKeyGenDataA class to describe data being transfered between parties on the process of generating public keys from secret keys provided by multiple parties
 CHEaaN::CollectiveKeyGeneratorA class generating public keys from secret keys provided by multiple parties
 CHEaaN::DecryptorAbstract entity for decrypting ciphertexts
 CHEaaN::EncryptorAbstract entity for encrypting messages into ciphertexts
 CHEaaN::EnDecoderClass containing functions dealing with message/plaintext encoding and decoding
 CHEaaN::HomEvaluatorA class consisting of basic operation of Ciphertext and Message
 CHEaaN::KeyGeneratorA class generating public (encryption/evaluation) keys from a secret key
 CHEaaN::KeyPackClass managing public keys
 CHEaaN::PlaintextA class of plaintexts each of which is simply a polynomial
 CHEaaN::Pointer< T >A class holding unique_ptr but is copied with deepcopy
 CHEaaN::Pointer< CiphertextImpl >
 CHEaaN::Pointer< CollectiveKeyGenDataImpl >
 CHEaaN::Pointer< MessageImpl >
 CHEaaN::Pointer< PlaintextImpl >
 CHEaaN::Pointer< SecretKeyImpl >
 CHEaaN::SecretKeySecret key class